As my first month in Latrobe draws to a close, we have celebrated the Installation Masses at both parishes and I know where the light switches are what key opens what, so now it’s time to really get to work! Meetings have been scheduled for the pastoral and finance councils at both parishes over the next few weeks; these two bodies are important parts of the lay leadership of the parish. As pastor I welcome the opportunity to consult and collaborate with them for the good of our parishes. I also look forward to meeting those involved in various ministries and parish organizations so that we may continue to go forward together. Thanks to the ministry groups and organizations who have invited me to meetings and other events; I will try to attend as many as I can!
As the transition for the parishes progresses, I am continuing to get settled into life in Latrobe. I am finding my way around alright (getting reacquainted with the one-way streets and the other charms of Latrobe that I remember from my seminary days). Thanks to everyone who has given me recommendations of good places to eat and shop. Now, if I could just wave a magic wand over the boxes I still have to unpack!
Just a reminder that beginning next weekend, the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. John’s will be celebrated every Saturday at 4:15PM.
Last weekend we took the annual Diocesan Seminarian and Clergy Education Collection. This is part of the responsibility for priestly vocations that all of us in the Church share: to ensure that there are adequate financial resources available to cover the costs of tuition and other fees for our seminarians, who are preparing for lives of priestly service, and to help provide for continuing education and ongoing formation opportunities for the priests of the diocese.
Another part of our common responsibility is to pray for and support more vocations to priesthood, permanent diaconate, and religious life. Please remember to pray daily for vocations and promote them within our parishes and families. Thanks to the nurturing environment already present here, one of our own Holy Family parishioners, Thomas Oldenburg, has entered into the formation program for the Diocese of Greensburg. Please keep Thomas in your prayers as well as the other nine men who are currently in seminary formation for our diocese:
Deacon John Torres from St. Rita Parish, Connellsville
Deacon David Slusarick from St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown
Deacon Craig Alexander from St. Agnes Parish, North Huntingdon
*God willing, these three men will be ordained priests for our diocese next summer
Kevin Richardson from St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uniontown
Mario Porreca from St. Anne Parish, Rostraver
Tyler Randolph from Immaculate Conception Parish, Irwin
Dale Hyland from St. Margaret Mary Parish, Lower Burrell
Matteo Arcara from St. Paul Parish, Greensburg
Ryan Scavnicky from Immaculate Conception Parish, Irwin
During my years as a seminarian, I was always profoundly grateful for the prayerful support of people all around the diocese. I can assure you that these men do appreciate your prayers.