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Not So Ordinary

Writer's picture: Michael OrangeMichael Orange

As we have transitioned from the joyous season of Christmas, adorned with festive decorations and the resounding echoes of “Gloria in Excelsis Deo,” we enter the quiet expanse of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. This period, nestled between the celebrations of Christmas and the anticipation of Lent, holds a unique significance in our spiritual journey.


Ordinary Time does not signify mundanity but rather a time of ordered, numbered weeks, inviting us to find the sacred in the everyday. The green liturgical vestments worn by the clergy symbolize the fertile growth that occurs when we nurture our spiritual lives in the ordinary moments of existence.


In these weeks, we reflect on the mysteries of Christ’s life not bound to a specific season. It’s a pilgrimage through the various aspects of His teachings, miracles, and encounters, guiding us to weave the tapestry of our faith from the threads of the everyday encounters with the Divine.


As we embark on this journey through Ordinary Time, it’s an opportune moment to contemplate the Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the world. The Magi’s journey to Bethlehem mirrors our own quest for a deeper understanding of the divine presence in our lives. In the ordinary routines, amidst the mundane tasks, Christ reveals Himself, and our hearts are invited to respond like the Magi, offering our gifts of time, talents, and treasures.


Ordinary Time also serves as a bridge between the joyous celebrations of Christmas and the penitential season of Lent. It is a grace-filled pause, allowing us to catch our spiritual breath before we embark on the profound journey of Lenten reflection and repentance. This interlude is a reminder that even in the ordinary, grace is at work, preparing our hearts for the transformative Lenten disciplines that lie ahead.


The green of Ordinary Time signifies growth and hope. In the ordinary routines of our lives, God invites us to grow in faith, hope, and love. It’s an invitation to cultivate the seeds of virtue planted within us, allowing them to flourish and bear fruit. This growth is not a grand spectacle but a quiet, steady process, much like the gentle unfolding of leaves on a tree.


As we traverse this Ordinary Time, we encounter the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. His parables, healings, and interactions become guideposts, illuminating the path of discipleship. Ordinary Time is an invitation to live out these teachings in our daily lives, fostering a deeper connection with Christ and His mission.

Our journey through Ordinary Time is not a spiritual lull but a dynamic period of growth and grace. It is a canvas where the ordinary moments of our lives become sacred, infused with the presence of Christ. As we embrace the green vestments and immerse ourselves in the Gospel narratives, may this Ordinary Time be a season of profound encounters with the Divine, shaping our hearts for the Lenten pilgrimage that awaits.



Deacon Mike


Holy Family Catholic Church

1200 Ligonier St.

Latrobe, PA 15650

(724) 539-9751


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